Plateforme pour l'industrie métallurgique et sidérurgique
A programme with many highlights: This is The Bright World of Metals 2023

A programme with many highlights: This is The Bright World of Metals 2023

From 12 to 16 June 2023 in Düsseldorf, the Bright World of Metals and its four world-leading trade fairs for industrial foundry technology and metallurgy will once again take place: At  GIFA, METEC, THERMPROCESS and NEWCAST, all the sectors present their concentrated power of innovation in 12 exhibition halls.

More than 2,100 exhibitors from all over the world present leading technology and services along the entire value chain. Business at the booths is complemented by a varied supporting programme, numerous conferences and special formats like the ecoMetals campaign, the ecoMetals forum, daily live reporting across all channels and award ceremonies, the ecoMetals and the NEWCAST Awards.

More information, trend reports and interviews regarding the professional trade fairs is available at,,,

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